Vintage Tyres Blog

  • Avon tyres - good news!

    The headline news is that it’s business as usual – every Avon product you have bought from Vintage Tyres in the past will still be manufactured and available in future. ...

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  • Get a free tyre safety check at Beaulieu

    Vintage Tyres are now offering free tyre safety checks at our Beaulieu branch. We’ll look at tyre depth, condition and age and email you a full report...

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  • Why the MoT still matters for classic cars and bikes

    The stand out quote from the meeting with the Department for Transport about the MoT consultation was this from the man from the DfT: ‘…the MoT, yes, that’s where you get your lights and things checked, isn’t it?’ This astonishing revelation came from the lips of the bloke running the show. He didn’t have a clue about the thing which ...

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  • Join Vintage Tyres at Beaulieu for breakfast this Saturday, March 16!

    Join us for breakfast at Vintage Tyres’ Beaulieu base this Saturday, March 16. in your car, bike, camper, truck, tank or traction engine. Any vehicle of any age is welcome – if you love it bring it. The format is really simple. We take over the first car park on the left as you enter the grounds of the National Motor Museum - just look out for...

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  • First breakfast meet of 2024!

    What started out as a cold, bright and dry breakfast meet turned into a bit of a shower fest. But that didn't stop dozens of cars, trucks, vans and a couple of brave bikers from coming - and staying until the end...

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  • How Old Are My Tyres?

    It’s important you understand how old your tyres are because even if they initially look like they’re in good shape, after a certain length of time they will need to be replaced regardless, to ensure proper, safe handling for your classic car. In this quickfire tyre tips video, Ben demonstrates how to find and read the date of ...

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  • Timelord's car in for a tyre

    The fabulously futuristic Whomobile was Jon Pertwee’s transport in two episodes of Doctor Who in the early 1970s. It was commissioned by Pertwee and built by custom car builder Peter Farries. It’s starring in an exhibition to mark 60 years of Doctor Who at the museum...

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  • Vintage Tyres get Victoria to the church on time

    Evan Hopkins got a shock when he checked the tyres on his 1967 Mini Cooper S at the start of the week. The 90bhp from the 1293cc engine, linked to Evan's heavy right foot, meant they were no longer fit for purpose. However, that purpose was getting his bride-to-be Victoria to church on Friday...

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  • A tale of two batteries

    Removing the BMW’s battery has always been a pain. There is about 6mm of wiggle room to get the thing out without creating a few exciting sparks just below the petrol tank. Never a dull procedure that’s for sure.  ...

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